Vocal Point: Finding Meaning in Music Throughout the Years Events, NewsBy Capri Garff Come see BYU Vocal Point at Temple Hill in February! Find tickets and more information here. The… January 25, 2023 0 4558
Mormon Battalion and Ship Brooklyn Saints reenactors participate in the Coloma “Gold Rush Live” four-day event. Education, EventsBy Rebecca Ellefsen In October 2022, visitors stepped back in time at the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park in… October 19, 2022 0 5207
Join the Symphony at Oakland Temple Hill Temple Hill SymphonyThe Temple Hill Symphony is a semiprofessional orchestra based at the Oakland Temple. We are performing a “greatest movie hits”… September 18, 2022 0 5222
Chinese roots to Silicon Valley branches: How this executive is sharing her faith and shaping the future of tech Bay Area, Family HistoryA visit to her ancestral village helped spark Marguerite Gong Hancock’s passion for technology and humanity By Danielle Christensen, LDS… August 10, 2022 0 3950
Religious Freedom: The Safeguard of Liberty EventsArticle by: Elder George Brunt, Oakland Temple Hill Visitors’ Center Director Religious Freedom is a right so fundamental that it… June 29, 2022 0 6055
Oakland Temple Tulips Oakland, Oakland TempleWritten By: Yenny Mo Since ancient times, people have often expressed their feelings through flowers. Floriography, or the language of… April 6, 2022 0 8597
Elder Christofferson Honors the Mormon Battalion on the 175th Anniversary of their arrival in San Diego Education, EventsBy: Rebecca Ellefsen The Mormon Battalion story is one of faith, courage, and personal sacrifice. Elder D. Todd Christofferson of… March 8, 2022 0 6169
Tonga Tsunami Relief Charity, Service, Uplifting The SaintsThe Tongan Consulate San Francisco Office The San Francisco Tongan Interfaith & Community Leaders Coalition The Regional Pacific Islander Task… February 18, 2022 0 5855
Conducting The Egmont Overture Temple Hill SymphonyWritten by: Max Adams When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the cellist Yo-Yo Ma. My family had… February 10, 2022 0 5400
Utah Jazz scholarship paying dividends for freshman Ben Lopez (BYU Living Legends team member) Education, EventsAuthor: Trevor Jones. Last spring, high school student Ben Lopez got a call from an unknown number. The voice on… February 3, 2022 0 5146