Vocal Point: Finding Meaning in Music Throughout the Years Eventos, NoticiasBy Capri Garff Come see BYU Vocal Point at Temple Hill in February! Find tickets and more information here. The… enero 25, 2023 0 4575
Los recreadores del Mormon Battalion y Ship Brooklyn Saints participan en el evento de cuatro días "Gold Rush Live" de Coloma. Educación, EventosBy Rebecca Ellefsen In October 2022, visitors stepped back in time at the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park in… octubre 19, 2022 0 5237
Únete a la Sinfónica en Oakland Temple Hill Sinfonía de Temple HillThe Temple Hill Symphony is a semiprofessional orchestra based at the Oakland Temple. We are performing a “greatest movie hits”… septiembre 18, 2022 0 5233
Las raíces chinas en las sucursales de Silicon Valley: cómo esta ejecutiva comparte su fe y da forma al futuro de la tecnología área de la bahía, Historia familiarA visit to her ancestral village helped spark Marguerite Gong Hancock’s passion for technology and humanity By Danielle Christensen, LDS… agosto 10, 2022 0 3957
Libertad religiosa: la salvaguardia de la libertad EventosArticle by: Elder George Brunt, Oakland Temple Hill Visitors’ Center Director Religious Freedom is a right so fundamental that it… junio 29, 2022 0 6072
Tulipanes del templo de Oakland Oakland, Templo de OaklandWritten By: Yenny Mo Since ancient times, people have often expressed their feelings through flowers. Floriography, or the language of… abril 6, 2022 0 8632
El élder Christofferson rinde homenaje al batallón mormón en el 175 aniversario de su llegada a San Diego Educación, EventosBy: Rebecca Ellefsen The Mormon Battalion story is one of faith, courage, and personal sacrifice. Elder D. Todd Christofferson of… 8 de marzo de 2022 0 6195
Alivio del tsunami de Tonga Caridad, Servicio, Edificando a los santosThe Tongan Consulate San Francisco Office The San Francisco Tongan Interfaith & Community Leaders Coalition The Regional Pacific Islander Task… febrero 18, 2022 0 5870
Dirigiendo la Obertura de Egmont Sinfonía de Temple HillWritten by: Max Adams When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the cellist Yo-Yo Ma. My family had… febrero 10, 2022 0 5428
La beca Utah Jazz paga dividendos para el estudiante de primer año Ben Lopez (miembro del equipo de BYU Living Legends) Educación, EventosAuthor: Trevor Jones. Last spring, high school student Ben Lopez got a call from an unknown number. The voice on… febrero 3, 2022 0 5171