¿Cuándo se construyó el templo de Oakland?

Este artículo fue escrito por un miembro local de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. Las opiniones expresadas pueden no representar las opiniones y posiciones de La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días. Para acceder al sitio oficial de la Iglesia, visite iglesiadejesucristo.org.
El Templo de Oakland se completó y entró en funcionamiento el 19 de noviembre de 1964. Fue el decimotercer templo operativo del mundo. Recientemente pasó por algunas renovaciones importantes que se completaron en 2019.
On January 23, 1961, the plans for the Oakland temple were announced by David O. Mckay, the Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The grounds were broken on May 26th, 1962.

Colina del templo
The Temple resides on an 18.3-acre lot, within the Oakland Hills, which The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints purchased in 1942. The first building located on the lot was the chapel, an auditorium, and a large cultural hall, called the Inter-Stake Center (ISC). This space is used for large Latter-Day Saint (Mormon) Gatherings. This was followed by the temple and later the visitor center.

La inspiración
El Templo de Oakland fue diseñado por Harold W. Burton, quien tuvo el sueño de celebrar el mundo moderno construyendo un Templo Santo de los Últimos Días sin ventanas. Burton deseaba que el Templo de Oakland demostrara la belleza del mundo moderno, como el aire acondicionado, la calefacción y la iluminación artificial.
La carcasa del edificio está completamente construida con cemento, sin ventanas hasta esta reciente renovación.
Burton was inspired by the cultural influence which surrounded the Bay Area. The Temple’s five spires are based from Asian architecture. This approach is also noticeable in the upturned roofs and railings. Even the paintings which depict stories from, The Book of Mormon, are painted in an Eastern technique. The purpose of this was to match the Bay’s unique history and style.

Temple Hill ahora
Some residents in the Bay Area refer to the Oakland Temple as the “mormon temple” or “Oakland’s Disneyland”. Local members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints know it simply as the Oakland Temple, though members often refer to the complex of buildings as Temple Hill.
Now claiming the title, “Beacon of the Bay,” the Oakland Temple lights its way for many. It is a source of inspiration and hope to many members of the Church of Jesus Christ and friends alike. This temple has carved its mark into the Oakland history.
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