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To Latter-day Saints, a temple sealing is one of the most meaningful promises that can be made.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that marriage and families can be eternal. This differs dramatically from the common wedding vow, “til death do we part.”
In temples of the Church of Jesus Christ, promises are made between the man and woman getting married and God. In this ceremony, the couple promises that they will continue to be a family unit forever, thus binding the children with their parents and the husband with their wife for the eternities. It is known as sealing because it seals families together for this life and the next.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prefer not to be called “mormons” anymore? The term “mormon” is a nickname comes from a book of scripture called “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Christ.” 學到更多。

Only worthy members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are able to participate and view these ceremonies within temples. However, it is a common practice for these couples who have family that cannot enter the temple to also practice a civil marriage so that they can participate, as well.

This sealing ceremony is also performed for ancestors that have already passed. Volunteers in the temple act as a proxy and seal families together one at a time. Those that have passed on and have a sealing performed on their behalf then have the opportunity to accept or reject that sealing and the associated promises.
Temple sealings are beautiful ceremonies that unite families for all of eternity. It allows members of the Church to celebrate an endless life with those that they love. This ceremony is one of the most sacred that takes place within the temple and is cherished among the Latter-Day Saints.
To learn more about the history of the Oakland Temple, select here.
To book your tour of the Oakland Temple, select here.