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Going through the temple is an act of faith and progression to a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“To go through the temple” is a broad and vague phrase. It means participating in special ceremonies that bring members of the Church and their families closer to God.
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Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prefer not to be called “mormons” anymore? The term “mormon” is a nickname comes from a book of scripture called “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Christ.” 學到更多。
To be baptized is to make a two-way promise between Heavenly Father and the person being baptized, meaning that as one does his or her part, God will do His part to bless them in His own way and timing. By being baptized, one promises to:
- Be willing to take upon themselves the name of Jesus Christ
- Always remember the Savior
- Keep the commandments
In return, Heavenly Father promises those that do so that “they may always have His Spirit to be with them” (Moroni 4:3).
In addition to performing baptisms for the living, baptisms are performed for the dead inside temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Baptisms for the dead are a proxy act done for the departed. Those who have passed then have the opportunity to accept or reject the baptism that was performed for them.
An Endowment is a series of special promises that are made between a man or woman and God. During the Endowment, members learn more about God’s Plan for them, as they commit to become better. This ceremony is very symbolic and is very sacred among members of the Church.
Members of the Church think much differently than, “till death do we part,” commonly stated in marriage rituals.
In a temple sealing, a man and his wife are married to each other for their time on the Earth and for all eternity. Temple marriages are not only a promise between the husband and wife, but also with God.

Temples are vital in the lives of Latter-Day Saints. Within the walls of the Oakland Temple, volunteers dedicate hours of work as service as they try to get closer to God. Those who participate with a sincere heart and real intent can become closer to God when they go through the temple.

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