
本文由耶穌基督後期聖徒教會當地成員所寫。所表達的觀點可能不代表耶穌基督後期聖徒教會的觀點和立場。有關教會的官方網站,請訪問 耶穌教堂.org.
林肯大街4766號,奧克蘭,CA 94602
週一:7:00–9:00 PM(僅限預約)
週二:上午 10:00 至下午 4:00
週三至週四:上午 10:00 至晚上 8:00
週五至週六:上午 10:00 至下午 4:00
週日:下午 2:30–5:30(僅限預約)
For closed days and special hours, please click the link above to go to the Oakland FamilySearch page.
The FamilySearch Center at Temple Hill attracts visitors from all over the world that come to find information about their ancestors. The center offers free access to genealogical data for billions of deceased ancestors from around the globe.
We create inspiring experiences that bring joy to all people as they discover, gather, and connect their family–past, present, and future.

The Oakland FamilySearch Center is a free community resource to the Bay Area and everyone is welcome to come and use it. The best part of this service is the well-trained, kind, and helpful volunteers who are ready and eager to help you have success with your family history goals. The environment is conducive to your success with inspiring artwork, beautiful flowers, and pleasant colors.
- Use free, fast, and up-to-date computers and state-of-the-art software to organize and connect your family tree.
- Free access to many services and tools which you would normally pay for somewhere else. Get in-depth instruction on what these tools do and how to use them for your success.
- Search, find, and print historical documents on our high-quality printers and yes, it’s free!
- 帶上您打印的照片並在我們的高速掃描儀上將它們數字化,使您可以與家人和朋友在線共享它們,並且要記住,它是免費的!
- 研究專家可以協助並指導您成功建立家譜樹。
- 小吃可供購買,因此您可以在家庭歷史冒險中加油。
- Lockers are available so you can store your personal belongings.
This is a safe place for parents with children to bring them because we have a play area where the children can play and parents can work within eyesight and hearing range.
Coming to the FamilySearch Center will get you set up with the right online resources accounts and the right knowledge so you can have more success from home using your own computer or smartphone.
Rooms for group instruction are available. We have a private classroom for up to 50 people so you can bring your women’s group, church group, civic group or others for a fun time learning and collaborating together.