오클랜드 성전은 언제 건축 되었습니까?

이 기사는 예수 그리스도 후기 성도 교회의 지역 회원이 기고한 것입니다. 표현된 견해는 예수 그리스도 후기 성도 교회의 견해와 입장을 나타내지 않을 수 있습니다. 교회의 공식 사이트는 다음을 방문하세요. churchofjesuschrist.org.
오클랜드 성전은 1964 년 11 월 19 일에 완공되어 운영되었습니다. 이곳은 세계에서 13 번째로 운영되는 성전이었습니다. 최근에 2019 년에 완료된 몇 가지 주요 개조 공사를 거쳤습니다.
On January 23, 1961, the plans for the Oakland temple were announced by David O. Mckay, the Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The grounds were broken on May 26th, 1962.

템플 힐
The Temple resides on an 18.3-acre lot, within the Oakland Hills, which The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints purchased in 1942. The first building located on the lot was the chapel, an auditorium, and a large cultural hall, called the Inter-Stake Center (ISC). This space is used for large Latter-Day Saint (Mormon) Gatherings. This was followed by the temple and later the visitor center.

오클랜드 성전은 창문없이 후기 성도 성전을 지음으로써 현대 세계를 축하하고자하는 꿈을 가진 해롤드 W. 버튼이 설계했습니다. Burton은 오클랜드 성전이 에어컨, 난방 및 인공 조명과 같은 현대 세계의 아름다움을 보여주기를 원했습니다.
건물의 외피는 시멘트로 완전히 지어졌으며 최근 리노베이션 전까지 창문이 없습니다.
Burton was inspired by the cultural influence which surrounded the Bay Area. The Temple’s five spires are based from Asian architecture. This approach is also noticeable in the upturned roofs and railings. Even the paintings which depict stories from, The Book of Mormon, are painted in an Eastern technique. The purpose of this was to match the Bay’s unique history and style.

템플 힐 나우
Some residents in the Bay Area refer to the Oakland Temple as the “mormon temple” or “Oakland’s Disneyland”. Local members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints know it simply as the Oakland Temple, though members often refer to the complex of buildings as Temple Hill.
Now claiming the title, “Beacon of the Bay,” the Oakland Temple lights its way for many. It is a source of inspiration and hope to many members of the Church of Jesus Christ and friends alike. This temple has carved its mark into the Oakland history.
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