스크루지! 오클랜드 템플힐의 뮤지컬

이 기사는 예수 그리스도 후기 성도 교회의 지역 회원이 기고한 것입니다. 표현된 견해는 예수 그리스도 후기 성도 교회의 견해와 입장을 나타내지 않을 수 있습니다. 교회의 공식 사이트는 다음을 방문하세요. churchofjesuschrist.org.
지난 주말 공연장 좌석이 빠르게 채워지면서 스크루지! 뮤지컬 오클랜드의 템플 힐에서 크리스마스 시즌을 맞이했습니다. 스크루지! opened to great applause and a fervor of excitement. Directors Jennifer Brown and Alan Chipman have spent the last 18 months doing what they know best: analyzing the data and strategizing how it could be possible to audition, rehearse, direct, transport, build, reconstruct, fix, costume, encourage and inspire a truckload of actors, singers, dancers, instrumentalists and all the rest that it takes to breathe life into a show. They do it with ingenious talent and a staff of eager men and women equally committed to doing whatever it takes to be worthy of the spotlight and applause of a full house.

It hasn’t been easy. This era of reflection has nudged people to pick up stakes and move, creating vacancies in the ranks and forcing those remaining to muster true grit until the gaps are mended. Carrying the leading role (Ebenezer Scrooge) since its Oakland origins in 2016, actor Chris Pedersen convincingly depicts the character through several transformations, reminiscent of the times.

Clearly, the process is complex. But the delivery is what really counts. Can one escape real life for a few hours and come away, moved, entertained, touched or inspired? Definitely. It’s all there. There’s acting, singing and dancing of all ages, suitable for viewing by young and old. Get your free (not to be mistaken as discounted value; that’s just the way they do it on Temple Hill) tickets. Bring the family. It will be worth it. Embrace Christmas like never before.