오클랜드 성전 방문자 센터에 예수 그리스도의 새로운 동상이 공개됨
By Janene Baadsgaard The Visitors’ Center at the Oakland Temple announces the acquisition of a stunning new statue of Jesus…
By Janene Baadsgaard The Visitors’ Center at the Oakland Temple announces the acquisition of a stunning new statue of Jesus…
By Laurie Wolf Oakland FamilySearch Center The FamilySearch Center offers engaging free services that help visitors make fun personal and…
By Debbie Bromley It was a chilly Monday evening at the reopening of the Interfaith Council of Alameda County’s Safe…
By Scott Taylor Four temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are among the United States’ 20 most…
Members of the Church find joy in preparing new transitional housing to open for those experiencing homelessness near Silicon Valley…
Church News Staff, Church News 다음의 새로운 선교부 회장과 동반자가 제일회장으로부터 봉사하도록 부름을 받았습니다.
그녀의 조상 마을 방문은 마거리트 공 핸콕의 기술과 인류에 대한 열정을 촉발시키는 데 도움이 되었습니다. 작성자: 다니엘 크리스텐슨(LDS)…
Every culture has its own strength. The fusion of Chinese and Western cultures is like the complementary ability of left…
What are the best Christmas activities in the East Bay? We’ve compiled 25 awesome things that you can do each…