The Music Man at Temple Hill

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By Rebecca Ellefsen
The Music Man Musical has arrived in Oakland! Come fall in love with the hospitality of River City Iowans and cheer for the loveable Harold Hill in this stellar cast production. This blockbuster features lively music and dance numbers, a pure delight for the whole family. Kathryn Lopez, choreographer of the production, said, “The Music Man is full of high energy performers giving it their all.”

Join director Jennifer Brown, producer Alan Chipman, a seasoned cast, and members of the Temple Hill Symphony Orchestra as they present this musical gift to the public. Kirsten Bradford, who will perform the role of Marian Paroo, stated, “I can’t imagine a better experience to share with my family and the community.”

Playing the role of Harold Hill, John Melis remarked, “It’s a fun show for all ages and a great way to experience theatre.” Enjoy Meredith Willson’s heartwarming production by reserving your no-cost tickets on while they last. Parking for the event is also free.

Don’t miss out on this spectacular event! There are six performances:
July 21, 7:00 PM
July 22, 2:00 and 7:00 PM
July 28, 7:00 PM
July 29, 2:00 and 7:00 PM
For more information and to get tickets, please visit:
We hope to see you there!