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To The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, temples are a sacred place of peace and promises. It is only possible for non-members to enter the temple during an open house, which takes place before the dedication of the temple and grounds.
The temples are private due to the worship that takes place within. Many of the ceremonies that occur are very symbolic and sacred. Due to the importance of the ceremonies inside, the temples are not always available to the public eye. Only Latter-Day Saints, with special recommendations of worthiness, may enter operational temples.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prefer not to be called “mormons” anymore? The term “mormon” is a nickname comes from a book of scripture called “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Christ.” もっと詳しく知る。
Before each temple is operational, the Church celebrates the beauty of the building during an open house. This is an event where members, and non-members alike can marvel at the interior of the building.
An open house only takes place after construction or serious renovations.
The temple is later closed to the public after what is known as the dedication. In the dedication, the building is completed and a special prayer is given to bless the temple and dedicate it to Heavenly Father.
The Oakland Temple recently went under major renovations and had an open house before its dedication in 2019.
The temple grounds and visitors’ center are always available for everyone to enter. At the Oakland Temple Visitors’ Center, there is a team of friendly volunteers that explain what happens inside the temple, its history, and why the building is sacred.
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