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By Janene Wolsey Baadsgaard
***2023年10月20日と21日にオークランド・テンプル・ヒルで開催されるAdassaのライブをお見逃しなく。イベントとチケット情報はこちら ここに.***
Adassa is coming to Temple Hill in Oakland, California, promising concert-goers a magical evening of beloved Disney songs. Universally known as the voice of Dolores from Disney’s エンカント, Adassa’s dynamic four-octave vocal range and on-stage charisma are sure to charm audiences of all ages.
Scheduled for two evening performances at the Temple Hill Auditorium on Friday, October 20th and Saturday, October 21st, 2023, at 7:00 PM, Adassa will be singing songs from Disney favorites such as の Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Frozen, エンカント, Coco, Moana, and more.
“We’re pleased to present a fun night with songs everybody knows and loves,” said Jay Trottier, director of the Temple Hill Symphony Orchestra. “We encourage concert-goers of all ages to come dressed in costumes of their favorite Disney character and enjoy a family-friendly night of music and fun.”
Winner of an Academy Award and Golden Globe, Adassa is a bilingual Afro-Latino singer, songwriter, and voice actress. She has released several albums and received nominations for Collaboration of the Year と Favorite Pop Song at the 2022 American Music Awards for her work on the viral hit song, “We Don’t Talk About Bruno.” Adassa has been a guest artist with The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square and the National Auditorium in Mexico along with being a surprise performer at RootsTech 2023.
Adassa was born in Florida and raised in the Virgin Islands. She is the mother of seven children, and believes her success comes from living a faith-filled, modest life with her husband Gabriel and spending time with her children.
Adassa’s Disney song performance will be held in the auditorium on Temple Hill at 4780 Lincoln Avenue, Oakland, California. The concert hall seats over 1,600 and concert attendees can expect an intermission and a meet-and-greet with Adassa after the performance.
Click ここに to view the event and purchase tickets.