Introducción a FamilyTreeMaker | 28 de febrero, 11:00 a. m.

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Introducción a FamilyTreeMaker | 28 de febrero, 11:00 a. m.

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This is a beginning class for new users and those who need a refresher. Will will include populating the application with known family members by importing from other applications using a GEDCOM or manually entering from scratch. This class also covers how to use the major workspaces optimally: Adding People, Places, Media and Sources. Jody’s family history experience includes colonial United States particularly New England; Germany especially Wurttemberg; England, County Cork Ireland and the mid-west of the U.S. She has been working on her family history since the death of her father in 1975. Jody is passionate about genealogy and loves helping others discover their family trees and history. She is conversant with old-fashioned handwritten genealogy, Family Tree Maker (since 1994 on 3-1/2″ floppy discs), FamilySearch (5 years) and Ancestry (24 years).

Jody volunteers Wednesdays and Fridays at the Oakland FamilySearch Center.


Información de zoom:

ID de la reunión: 936 4404 3128

Código de acceso: 071732


febrero 28
11:00 am - 12:00 pm PST
Categorías del Menú Primaria:


Centro de búsqueda familiar de Oakland
(510) 531-3905
Ver el sitio web de Organizador


Centro de búsqueda familiar de Oakland
4766 Lincoln Ave
Oakland, California 94602 Estados Unidos
+ Mapa de Google
(510) 531-3905
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